Botox & Fillers
New Life Wellness and Medical Spa
Aesthetics & Medical Spa located in Tomball, TX
At New Life Wellness and Medical Spa, patients throughout Tomball, Texas, can receive several wrinkle-minimizing skin treatments such as cosmetic fillers and Botox®. New Life Wellness and Medical Spa utilizes Botox® and fillers to help patients to improve the look of fine lines and crow’s feet. Call today or book an appointment directly online.
Botox & Fillers Q & A
What are facial fillers?
To smooth skin, minimize the appearance of wrinkles, make lips fuller, raise scar depressions, and augment the facial soft tissues, the doctor will typically use facial fillers. These cosmetic products are constructed from compounds such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and collagen. They are used to treat several cosmetic imperfections but most frequently fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on the filler used, they can provide temporary to longer-term results and will be injected underneath the skin. For areas of the skin which have lost fat and collagen over time resultingin creases and wrinkles, these products literally “fill in” imperfections. Allergan, Radiesse®, Sculptra®, Restylane®, and Juvéderm® are brands of facial fillers.
What is Botox®?
Botox® is a cosmetic treatment designed to be injected into the skin to help reduce the appearance of frown lines and wrinkles, especially those near the eyes known as crow’s feet and between the brows. The frequent use of muscles which control facial squinting and frowning causes the skin to fold, wrinkle, and crease. Botox® injections will temporarily lessen muscle activity. Botox® targets the muscles responsible for skin creasing. Botox® is one of the few cosmetic treatments which has been significantly studied by medical authorities.
How long will the Botox procedure take?
Generally, facial filler and Botox® injections take roughly 10 to 20 minutes. The exact time will differ depending on the depth of the crease(s), the individual’s skin, and how many imperfections are being addressed during the procedure. If the individual is only addressing a few wrinkles or concerns, it will take less time. A certain amount of injections will be made under the skin’s surface during the treatment, again depending on what results are desired and how many areas are being addressed. The type of filler used will be chosen based on the type of issue being treated and the size of the crease or fold.
Botox® and filler injections are not a permanent solution and follow up treatment may be necessary.
What should I do if I am interested in Botox® or fillers?
Contact New Life Wellness and Medical Spa, which has extensive experience in the use of Botox® and fillers. During the initial visit, you can ask any questions you may have, and map out a treatment plan to get the results you desire.
After hours emergency number, 832-463-8857.
Conditions & Treatments
Botox & Fillersmore info
PRPmore info
Facialsmore info
Hormone Replacement Therapymore info
Laser Hair Removalmore info
Icon & SculpSure Lasersmore info
Weight Lossmore info
SkinPen & VI Peelmore info
Cellulite Reductionmore info
IPL and Vein Therapymore info
Ultherapymore info
Pellevémore info